Subscribe to The Main Street Journal

We publish The Main Street Journal, a hub for local investing news and events, to expand the audience, reach, and power of the emerging local investment movement in the United States. Shifting even a small fraction of the tens of trillions Americans have invested in Wall Street to local businesses, projects, and people on Main …

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The Rural Renaissance

If you believe the portrait of rural America depicted in the Netflix film Hillbilly Elegy, you might conclude that its residents are hopelessly impoverished, addicted, and depressed. That’s also the view of Eduardo Porter in “The Hard Truth of Trying to ‘Save’ Rural America,”  whose much-discussed piece in the New York Times argues that the …

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Six Guidelines for Business-Investor Conversations

Six Guidelines for Business-Investor Conversations By Jenny Kassan and Michael Shuman What kinds of conversations can a business owner have with potential investors without breaking the law? Over the past year many local investment advocates and practitioners have sought our advice in answering these questions, and this blog attempts to provide some answers. The law …

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Every Community Needs a Neighborhood Exchange

Sofusion Cafe - an example of a Maryland Neighborhood Exchange Success Story

Every Community Needs a Neighborhood Exchange Three years ago, the Maryland Neighborhood Exchange was just a dream. We envisioned creating a website listing great local investment opportunities in Baltimore and mobilizing residents to invest in them. Here’s what’s happened since: The Exchange has helped 44 Baltimore businesses successfully raise $3.3 million from nearly 6,000 investors. …

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12 Reasons the Glass is 1% Full

Let’s stipulate upfront that there’s nothing to celebrate about a pandemic.  The damage COVID-19 is wreaking—in terms of deaths, sickness, business closures, unemployment, and misery—is incalculable.  But this crisis is changing the world in subtle ways that may ultimately improve our lives.  So…in the spirit of Winston Churchill, who once implored not to let a …

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The Little Baltimore District That Could

Every community in America is struggling to recover from a year of COVID-19 shutdowns and could benefit from a surge in local investing.  Yet only a handful of communities are prepared to embrace this strategy.  An inspiring example is Market Center in Baltimore.  I’m now working with the Market Center Merchants Association to embark on …

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27 Resolutions for Community Renewal (Part II)

Last week, I offered 18 of 27 New Year’s Resolutions on how you can create a vibrant local investment ecosystem. You and your neighbors can use your savings to boost your community’s economy and speed its recovery from COVID-19. I suggested ways to get your local businesses “investment ready,” to create more investment options for …

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27 New Year Resolutions for Community Renewal (Part I)

Happy New Year!  If you are unsure how to fix your community after a year of COVID shutdowns, bankruptcies, deaths, and despair, I’d like to offer 27 resolutions.  The focus of all 27 is how to jump-start your economy by mobilizing local capital for local businesses, projects, and people, in relatively easy and inexpensive ways. …

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4 Ways to Become a Local Investment Champion

If you’ve read my blogs over the past year, you understand why local investment is an essential tool for revitalizing your community.  It also can improve your own bottom line, as well as your family’s and friends’ bottom lines.  Now I want to show you how you can become an expert local investor. Here are …

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Stop Cluster-f**king Communities

Please, no! Not another economic development study on how to expand the local clusters!  Haven’t we learned anything about the fragility of global dependencies from this pandemic? Last week, I spent several hours reading two recent economic-development studies done for Ulster County, New York. One was entitled “Food and Agriculture Cluster Development.”  It was a …

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Michael H Shuman