4 Ways to Become a Local Investment Champion

If you’ve read my blogs over the past year, you understand why local investment is an essential tool for revitalizing your community.  It also can improve your own bottom line, as well as your family’s and friends’ bottom lines.  Now I want to show you how you can become an expert local investor. Here are four opportunities:

(1) Watch (or Rewatch) Last Week’s Webinar– Many of you expressed interest in attending a webinar I gave on the “ABC’s of Local Investment”—more than we could accommodate.  While the webinar was aimed primarily at mobilizing investors in the Market Center neighborhood in Baltimore, you might find the ideas presented useful for your own community. You can watch it for free here.

(2) Take A 4-Week Course – This week, I’m about to launch online courses for various regions of the country.  Each course is built around four, 90-minute, interactive sessions.  In between the live Zoom classes, you will have access to 15 prerecorded videos, which go into much greater depth on key topics, as well as prepare you to come up with personal and community investing plans.  The first course, focused on New Hampshire and Vermont with live sessions on March 4, 11, 18, 25, is open for enrollment here.  The second, focused on Washington State with Zoom sessions on March 8, 15, 22, 29 – is available for registration here.  Other courses will be announced shortly. Even if you are not from either region, you are welcome to enroll in any of these courses.

(3) View the Videos – If you feel like a Zoombie or the dates/times for the interactive sessions don’t work for you, you can just view the 15 videos on your own time, starting March 15, for only $99. You can enroll in the video-only option here. The videos cover critical information for investors looking for local opportunities, for businesses looking for local capital, and for policymakers looking for ways of promoting local investment for economic development.  You can see the complete list of topics here.

(4) Organize a Course for Your Community – Right now, I’m in conversation with two dozen communities about organizing courses tailored to their needs, to support their efforts in post-COVID revitalization.  You can learn more about these courses on my web site here.  If you’re interested in organizing one for your community, please contact Jen Risley at jen@thelocalcrowd.com

I hope to see you in class!

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

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Michael H. Shuman

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